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Widerman Malek Law Blog

Executors, Who Can Be One and What Do They Do?

When you create a living will, last will and testament, or any type of will that involves assigning assets or specifics to family members, it can become difficult to elect an individual to carry out the instructions of your will. It can become a great honor to be named someone’s executor, but it can also […]

I Have a Judgment and Now I Want to Collect Vol. 2

As discussed by on my June 6, 2013 blog, there are certain basic tools that you can utilize to try to collect on your judgment. In most cases, when I reference a judgment in this blog and any follow up blogs, I am simply referring to a money judgment.  There are other types of judgments […]

I Have a Judgment and Now I Want to Collect. Vol. 1

A dispute arises. You make the decision to take the party you believe to be at fault to court. You file the lawsuit, go through the process and either by default, summary judgment or a final judgment after a trial, the judge awards you a money judgment for your damages and costs. Your feeling really […]

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