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Widerman Malek Law Blog

Trimming Expansion Plans Due to New Labor Laws

New labor laws are going to be going into effect and due to these new laws, many of the larger companies are considering trimming their expansion plans due to them. The changes might also mean that local franchisers might also be pulled from the books and turned into local labor areas, causing even more disputes […]

How Litigation Cases Are Formed

Litigation cases are where a lawsuit was the only option after exhausting the other legal options regarding a dispute. Litigation cases can come in many forms such as an eviction proceeding or an automobile accident. There can be several outcomes of a litigation case, but most of them do not see the inside of a […]

Different Types of Defense Lawyers

When you have an illness where do you go to get treatment?  Do you go to a general practitioner?  What if you had a heart condition?  Would you still see a general practitioner or would you see someone who specialized in heart conditions like a cardiologist?  I’m guessing you would see the cardiologist.  That’s not […]

Immigration Law

Immigration; this is a hot topic in the news today.  We are all hearing about illegal immigrants, immigrants performing work in the United States, immigrant being allowed to get driver’s licenses or immigrants receiving welfare benefits.  With all of this buzzing around, do you really know what the laws are surrounding immigration?  We are here […]

Undue Influence: How do you Find Out?

If you have ever heard a story that talks about someone that was shocked to learn of a loved one’s intentions in their will after they have passed, you might have been witness to undue influence. This nasty and hurtful process involves a less than well-meaning person using his influence over a supposed loved one […]

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