Using Civil Law Resources to Avoid Noisy Neighbors

Angry dogIn a residential neighborhood, there are certain laws that are in place to keep the neighborhood safe and quiet for all to enjoy. Even though there may be children playing during the day or dogs barking, at night there are rules to follow that will keep noise to a minimum. In many areas if these rules are broken, there are consequences, including a citation and possibly a very large fine. Thanks to civil laws, any harm or damages done by a person not following the rule or laws in that state can be brought to court and decided upon.

There are several people who might not think as you do when it comes to late nights. Whereas you may need to get up at six in the morning for work, they may work second shift. During the night they may be very loud or rowdy, music blaring, dogs barking, parties, and guests outside yelling, but before you decide to approach them, try a few of these steps below. Civil law is always on the side of the respected citizen.

  • Attempt to Speak with them regarding the issue. If you approach your neighbor angry, you might set off sirens in their head to fight or flight. It would not be a great idea to get into a fight and then be arrested because you approached them. Not everyone is out to cause a disturbance and upset the flow of your night. The neighbor may not realize their music is too loud or their company is getting out of control. Simply talking to them in a calm, cool, collected manner can go a long ways.
  • Letter of Warning. If things aren’t improving, you may write a letter asking them to keep the noise to a minimum. This warning should not include any threats. With the letter make sure to include a copy of that area’s noise ordinance. Keep a copy of both the letter and noise ordinance for your records. You can also choose to send the warning letter by certified mail so that you can receive confirmation that they received the warning.
  • Call the Police. This should be a last resort in many instances, but if all else has failed, call the police to come warn the neighbors to turn it down or face a fine.
  • Sue them. When all the previous steps have proven to fall through, sue the neighbor for nuisance. To file a case the courts will want to see proof of the disturbances. This can be shown with the police report and the warning letter that was previously sent to them. Although suing them may not net you much, it will get their attention and allow them to realize that not only have you suffered from their noise but it is not tolerated any longer.
