
IP Security Policy: Pre-Hire

Topics related to intellectual property routinely are neglected in daily business planning and operations (which is surprising given that intellectual…

10 years ago

Patent: A Tool, Not A Business

A patent in the United States grants an inventor the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering for…

11 years ago

Did KTLA Infringe on Kurt Knutsson’s Cyberguy Identity?

Did KTLA Infringe on Kurt Knutsson’s Cyberguy Identity? Kurt Knutsson, better known as Kurt the Cyberguy to long time followers…

11 years ago

IAM, Sun Tzu, and “White Space”

"Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred…

11 years ago

Watch Your Assets …

Business assets have value.  Understanding the value of assets on hand is important to starting a business, to conducting a…

11 years ago

So Many Rocks … So Little Time

Your company has decided to conduct an audit to take inventory of its intellectual assets (IA), and has an idea…

11 years ago

Roadmap To IAM Success

In my last post, I shared my experience selling a software line of business valued by the buyer entirely for…

11 years ago