Contested divorces in Florida seldom make sense, and here is why. Divorces are unlike a typical civil lawsuit. Unlike a breach of contract lawsuit, for example, there is no declared winner or loser in a contested divorce. In most cases, the judge will simply apply the same default rules at the conclusion of the trial […]
Widerman Malek Law Blog
Estate Planning During COVID – The Importance and What It Entails
Throughout 2020 and into 2021, 2.04 million Floridians have contracted COVID-19. Sadly, over 33,000 residents have died from the disease, while over 83,000 Floridians have required hospitalization for the virus. Even if the first two numbers weren’t tragic enough, that last number alone should give all of us pause. While mere exposure to COVID means […]
Holiday Schedules for Children in Shared Custody: Why a Parenting Plan Is Important and Issues to Consider
Holidays are emotional times of the year, but that’s even more so this year when COVID has already disrupted so many plans and will continue to limit family celebrations well into the New Year. It also means that separated or divorced families should come up with a solid parenting plan – i.e., a child custody […]
Lawsuit Filed Against SBA Administrator Carranza Citing Failure To Pay $10,000 Grants Promised To Small Business Applicants
Widerman Malek has filed a federal lawsuit against Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Jovita Carranza, requiring Carranza to abide by the express language of the CARES Act, Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and EIDL grant program. “We are working tirelessly to get our small business clients the funding to which the businesses are legally entitled,” […]
The importance of having a Power of Attorney
Partner Jim Ippoliti explains the importance of having a Power of Attorney and a will. Jim helps individuals and their families develop plans to ensure their health care wishes are honored.