Google Review

The UN to be the Knight in Shining Armor for Rights on the Internet

UNWe, as humans, have a lot of creative freedom and a right to express what we think, online or offline. However, when it comes to online expressions, there are limitations and virtually any creative work can be stolen easily by fellow Internet users.  In today’s global scenario, it has become next to impossible for  individuals, as well as business owners, to protect their creations. The lack of clearly defined legal boundaries with it comes to the Internet is extremely frustrating. This has made the theft of Intellectual Property (IP) a common occurrence and it is not until someone takes a stand, that this issue will get addressed.

Your Basic Rights Threatened

One does not have to be a technological genius to know how to get their hands on the competitor’s excellent promo materials.  For example, a simple search of “fast food in Orlando” will get all the creative expression of more than a thousand restaurants in the area.  All it takes is one simple click and the material is anyone’s to steal. That is why the UN has taken a stand to protect the human rights, which stresses that the right to freedom of expression must be protected in the digital realm as well.

The Declaration by UN

The UN has made a very clear statement that expresses the need to strive to protect international human rights issues pertaining to the Internet, with a call to adopt public policies with a view of objective universal access so that these human rights can be enjoyed by everyone.  It is not just a dramatic statement issued in the 26th session of the Human Rights Council, which took place June 10th through the 17th in Geneva. It is an all-encompassing concern which has become reality in the digital world and that is why the UN involvement has become so interesting.

The Part Played by Corporations

This development makes the protection of Intellectual Property (IP) the responsibility of the corporation; who are to ensure that the rights of humans are protected online just as they are offline. This has brought it down to the level of the individual, who until now, had no protection whatsoever, with only the large corporate organizations enjoying legal protection. While there is still a vast difference of opinion between developed countries and developing countries, one must applaud the effort.  So now, when one types “fast food in Orlando” it will be to order food, and not copy the competitor’s ideas. The boundaries are getting clearer and even if you were to step beyond the marked areas unwittingly, you still might get penalized.