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Widerman Malek Law Blog

Celebrity Probate Cases

Probably one of the most famous celebrity probate cases is that of Anna Nicole Smith and the death of her husband, billionaire J Howard Marshall.  Smith and Marshall married when she was 27 and he was 89.  This age difference caused many to believe Smith married Marshall only for the financial gain she would have […]

No Will: What Happens to Probate Assets?

I am not sure why someone would not have a will in today’s day and age, but it happens more often than you might think. Why would you want your family members fighting over your assets after your death? Wouldn’t you rather everything went to the person that you wanted it to go to? A […]

What is Summary Administration?

Probate is no fun – right? Who wants to deal with the courts when you are trying to get your hands on the assets you are entitled to when someone passes? Wait, aren’t you supposed to be mourning that person’s death and not worrying about how much money you are going to get? In a […]

Three Common Types of Trusts

Planning for the future includes planning for the entire future. Before a person passes away, they must plan or decide where their assets will go. Many people will plan for family members to inherit their assets. Instead of worrying about those loved ones having to pay taxes on their inheritance, a trust can be set […]

Executors, Who Can Be One and What Do They Do?

When you create a living will, last will and testament, or any type of will that involves assigning assets or specifics to family members, it can become difficult to elect an individual to carry out the instructions of your will. It can become a great honor to be named someone’s executor, but it can also […]

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