As a Florida resident you are entitled to many rights and protections under its laws, a foreclosure proceeding that is deemed unlawful is a part of those protections and rights. Often your lawyer will seek to have your case dismissed by some means so that the foreclosure proceeding is halted. Unfortunately for the mortgage borrower […]
Widerman Malek Law Blog
Can Information from Mediation be brought up during a case?
As previously discussed, Mediation is an avenue of possible resolution in a civil case, regardless of the amount in controversy. But what happens if you go to mediation and it doesn’t settle? Can the other side use anything you said in mediation against you in a later proceeding or a trial? Thankfully, the answer is […]
Mediation-is it a good idea?
Mediation-is it a good idea?
By: Eric L. Hostetler
Mediation can either be voluntary or ordered by the court, depending on the jurisdiction. Mediation is becoming more and more common in small claims cases as the court will provide Supreme Court approved mediators to discuss your case after the pre-trial conference. In most circuit court cases, the Judge will require the parties attempt to mediate as part of a pre-trial order.
Business & Asset Protection
Customizing Your Documents After your business entities are in place, or your business foundation is laid, your lawyer can begin drafting numerous customized legal documents, such as the entities’ bylaws, operating agreements, or other types of documents that govern both the interactions and operations of the properly selected and formed entities to best meet your […]
U.S. Supreme Court Defines the Definition of a “Vessel”
We are back on the topic of eminent domain. This time we take a look at floating homes and maritime laws. Last Tuesday on January 15th, the U.S. Supreme Court ended the dispute on whether a floating home should be classified as a vessel and subject to maritime laws or whether it should be considered […]