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Widerman Malek Law Blog

Copyright Infringement and the Entertainment Industry

Recently, the entertainment industry has come under a lot of scrutiny due to the various instances of copyright infringement that are coming to light. The business and internet are changing every day as people are becoming more and more aware of copyright rights; that, however, does not discourage potential infringers and hackers from trying to […]

The UN to be the Knight in Shining Armor for Rights on the Internet

We, as humans, have a lot of creative freedom and a right to express what we think, online or offline. However, when it comes to online expressions, there are limitations and virtually any creative work can be stolen easily by fellow Internet users.  In today’s global scenario, it has become next to impossible for  individuals, […]

Florida Foreclosure Dismissal may not be the End of the Fight

As a Florida resident you are entitled to many rights and protections under its laws, a foreclosure proceeding that is deemed unlawful is a part of those protections and rights. Often your lawyer will seek to have your case dismissed by some means so that the foreclosure proceeding is halted. Unfortunately for the mortgage borrower […]

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